
August 2001
October 2001
November 2001
January 2002
February 2002
March 2002

Thursday, June 20th

Good times
Cindy must think I am such a liar. I haven't been updating my journal as often. Well, it's because I've been so busy. This is the first time I am writing in my journal as an college graduate... and officially unemployed.

These are the things I have been doing in the past month:

  • Cramming for finals to make up for all the time that I did not study.
  • Graduation... Being in one and going to many.
  • Watching in delite as jimmy walked into a closed glass door and having his head bang so hard into the glass at software etc. Just to have me run out and laugh my ass off.
  • Picking on high school girls that think they are "gangstas"
  • Buying books to read at the beach.
  • Buying 2 puzzles and wondering when I will have time to make them.

Well those are the reasons why I have been so busy.

Oh and I have spent the last 3 days in front of the computer LITERALLY! playing diablo. Only stopping when my eyes just wont open anymore.

Tuesdsay, May 28



Vlade needs to go into acting that damn flopper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All quotes by Jack Handley unless specified otherwise.

Sunday, May 26

Yesterday was Alex's graduation at Berkeley. The day started out horribly. I got up at 4am and could not go back to sleep. Finally around 6:30 I got up and got ready... I went to the garage and was about to do one of those "press garage opener and run out things" because no one could close it for me since they were all sleeping. As I was about to run, I started to panic because I couldn't remember if I brought my keys. When I realized they were in my bag, there was only a 3 foot opening. Being the complete moron that I am, I didn't want to close the garage door then open it and then close it, since I didnt want to wake everyone up. I made a run for it. I actually got to the other side but fell forward from the thrust I made to actually make it to the other side, and I bashed my left knee into the concrete. In which I ripped a hole in my jeans as well as my knee. At that point I couldn't stop laughing because I kept imagining how stupid I must have looked. Jolly Ranchers were flying everywhere from Alex's Candy lei. I had to go back into the house and have Jimmy patch up my knee.

I picked up Mike from Cupertino and Christina from Berkeley (She was visiting from LA) and then we went to Alex's graduation. It was long, but fun. Some students grabbed the mic from the guy who was reading out names and decided to give their own shouts... one guy did the back flip. Stupid Engineering nerds. hahah. There were also some pretty funny things written on the graduation caps. Alex and his friends formed a "HOLLA BACK", some did a "GOT JOBS?" and one guy had a "HIRE ME" on his cap. It's actually quite depressing to think that Berkeley engineering students are unemployed as well.

After eating yummy dim sum with alex's parents, we went back to Alex's to drink. I however, was so damn tired, I left after a shot of Peppermint schnapps... which burned a hole in my throat.

These last 4 years have gone by so fast it's unbelievable. It seemed like we just graduated from high school, and there I was going to Alex's college graduation with my buddies that I have known since I was 5 years old. We looked through old high school pictures yesterday and talked about our elementary school days... it just shows you how far back we go and we're all still so close.

Wednesday, May 22

Went shopping today with Sherry. Macy's opened in Santa's quite a big thing in santa cruz. Now people don't have to drive an hour to go to a department store.

Going to attend the Christian Bible Fellowship today. I haven't gone to church in a long time that I should be very ashamed. Hope this will turn into a regular thing even though there is only 2 more weeks of school left =P I also got the material to make flowers for people for graduation... I thought it would be better than if I bought flowers... this way they can keep it longer and don't have to clean up flower bits everywhere when they dry up. I have to study for a midterm thats on tomorrow. I hate personal computers!!!!!!! Stupid Donut!

Tuesday, May 21

Lakers lost yesterday.... FUCKEN SACRAMENTO! DAMN YOU BASTARDS! I cant stand King Fans... Stooping so low to food poison Kobe. Not that I like him, but shit we need him to kick sac's ass!!!! GRRRRR It's so overs in game 5.

Well.. F4 was in LA the last couple of days and my dumb ass luck, I am up north! Oh wells, that's life. Starting a new soap opera today... kinda exciting.

Friday, May 17

Well, me and Derek are cool again. I called him and apologized right after I heard his dad's in the hospital again. I would feel like an ass if I kept fighting with him and he's going through all that crap. So I called and apologized and he apologized saying it was his fault... he got overly sensitive all of a sudden so said some things. He then told me when I turned around and yelled "F*ck You!" he said if he was mad at the time, I scared the madness out of him. HAHAHa He wasn't expecting it and he said he was actually scared, so he left my apartment and sat in his car outside finishing up his lunch that he was making while we were fighting.

My Jimmy is back from Washington D.C. YAAY!! I actually missed him a lot when he was gone. (but I won't tell him that, just to piss him off) We're thinking of watching Star Wars today or tomorrow. I can't wait, I hear its good!

Today I am looking forward to going to Michaels. I saw some really cool craft Ideas and wanted to check them out at Michaels. I wanted to make these beaded clothes hangers and maybe some glittery gel candles. I thought the candles can make great graduation presents.

I did not change out of my PJ's for 3 days. It was quite sad... I dont have class on wednesdays and I have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 4. So from Tuesday night to thursday evening, I only left my house once to go to 7-11. Lina and Hai were starting to yell at me. They would come home and see me in front of the computer in my PJ's playing Monopoly and yell "JENN! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ALL DAY!!" in which I would reply sheepishly.. "umm... stuff... I did my homework?" he he he (I really didn't).

Tuesday, May 14

Today for the first time in my life, I completely lost it with a friend. And it sucked cuz it is one of my best friends in santa cruz. I was on the computer and was talking to some people in aim and was completely unaware of what was coming out of my mouth... and my friend said he needed to use the computer so he can finish up the homework that I started and he was suppose to complete.. This is how the fight happened

Tuesday, May 14

Today for the first time in my life, I completely lost it with a friend. I was on the computer and was talking to some people in aim and was completely unaware of what was coming out of my mouth... and my friend said he needed to use the computer so he can finish up the homework that I started and he was suppose to complete.. This is how the fight happened

Friend: Hey I need the computer to finish the homework (which I started and he was suppose to complete.
Me: Shut the f*ck up bitch... (joking manner)
Friend: Why you always have to be such an ass.
Me: At least I finished my homework.
Friend: Fine! I won't f*cking copy then!
Me: (seeing that he was serious)Fine! Then don't! I was just joking.. you're the one who is always moody and flips out on people and say things that make them feel stupid.

And I started to walk away, like I always do when I get really mad and I don't know what to say anymore...I heard him mumble under his breath "damn she's such an asshole". In which I immediately turned around and yelled really loud "F*CK YOU!" and went into my room. There is nothing more I hate than people talking sh*t behind my back and people who can be cool one second and flip out the next.
He left 5 minutes later...

What was weird was after I yelled at him, I wasn't mad anymore. I said what I had to say and that was it. But I have never yelled at a friend like that. Of course I joke around a lot but thats far from serious. Oh wells....

Monday, April 29

Well, I have 2 midterms tomorrow and one on thursday! I really really hate school.

Anyhow, Ricky came up north this weekend for HIN. He was suppose to be up here by 9pm but didn't come til like midnight. I knew that since he had to drive down to Santa Cruz he was going to bitch about having to drive an hour from Jimmys. I JUST KNEW IT!!!!! Especially when I saw his journal today. But in my defense, I thought they were coming early so we could go to the bars. And I thought it would be more convenient because he wouldn't have to deal with parents and all. Oh wells. What a bitch!

This weekend, I spent it going to the library. Today I am wondering what I gained from studying because everything I studied for will not be on the test.... which I found out today! I am watching Meteor Garden again for the billionth time. Everytime I watch it I want to go back to Taiwan!!!! GRRRR!!!

Had a chat with Hiro today. It sounds so funny everytime he says any Japanese words. We were talking about Takeshi Kaneshiro and he was speaking in english, but when he said "Kaneshiro Takeshi" a heavy Japanese accent emerged. That Fob!

Thursday, April 11

Crappy days
Today started off really crappy, but then something so little as online monopoly or yahoo! dominoes changed my mood completely.

I hate it when I get so mad sometimes that you get frustrated and then you just want to cry. Well someone really got me so upset today that I was about to cry. (incidentally I was in the gym at the time) I just sat at the bicep machine, looked out the window and wanted to just turn around and punch this person in the face. It just amazes me how some people can say things that are just horrible, and it doesn't phaze them.

I am the most forgetful person alive. Hai told me whenever I put something down... to yell what I put down and where so she can remember for me. I told her she needs to buy me a fanny pack. So I can wear it around my apartment. I'd put my keys, wallet, the remote control, my cell phone, and the nail clippers. My forgetfulness has gotten to an all new low. It's lead me to think that there might actually be something magical moving my stuff around!! In high school I bought a pizza hut personal pizza and five minutes later, I lost it!!! HOW DOES SOMEONE LOSE A PIZZA?!?!?! I came home today and Lina was watching "Life as a House". It looked really interesting and I told myself I would rent it before I went to Jimmys. But of course I forgot. Sometimes I tell Joy that I am going to her house in five minutes, and I forget. Until like an hour later when she calls and asks me where I am.

I've heard so much about the Harry Potter series that I felt, "Hey, I got nothing better to do", so last week I read the first and second one.(I borrowed it from my brother... how sad is that!) It was actually pretty good. I then started hearing about adults who read these books. Weird. Im too cheap to buy the third one since my brother has it. So I'll wait til I go back home. I started the fourth this week... CRAP IS LIKE 700 pages! I'll probably finish it in a couple of days.

I've officially ran out of soap operas to watch. They just cant keep up with me. Well... Time to go to bed.

Wednesday, April 3

Home Alone
Well, I am home alone because Lina's in class and Derek went with Hai to go shopping. HAHAH SUCKER! I refuse to ever go shopping with Hai again! Tomorrow is Dereks birthday, but he insists on being a whiny brat and does not want anyone to celebrate it. But we all know if we don't he'll be all sad. So we will probably do something. Who knows, maybe we'll drink up and have Hai get f*cked up and pass out with her head still on the toliet. And no one will be able to help her because she always locks the damn thing.

I can't wait until Thursday nights because the next episode of Tu Si Nan Zi Wen 2 will be availiable to watch online! It's so great to be able to watch chinese dramas online! Then I don't have to deal with the dumb ass at the video store. Everytime I see her I just want to throw the videos at her. Going to LA this weekend so Jimmy can go paintballing with Ricky and them. I, on the other hand will probably go to Irvine with Christina. I just want this damn week to be over! I have this fear that I am going to forget to go to court on April 10th to pay my damn speeding ticket.