Monday, January 28,2002
School Sucks
Well, School really does suck. I had midterms last week, got another one tomorrow and a paper due on Wednesday. And instead of studying like I should be doing, I been looking up news on F4. It's getting kinda sorry. I think some of my friends should do an intervention instead of yelling at me and telling me how stupid and psycho I been.
As for anythink new since last time, nothing much has changed. Derek introduced me to the Java house which I realized is a great place for me to get studying done. They don't care if you stay there long. It only sucks when there is a Jazz Jam session because you cant concentrate on anything! But its really great music and when will I ever get to hear free Jazz in the future right?? Well enough procrastinating... Time to start studying!
Sunday, January 20,2002
It's been awhile
Geez, I haven't updated my website in awhile. During Christmas Break I just was too busy watching my Chinese soap operas to care about anything else. How I love Meteor Garden!! Well to sum up Xmas break, it was so great I didn't want to go back! I went to Big Bear with Gene, Marilyn, Christina, Eric, and Derek. It was so much fun! Going down the mountain in innertubes and the lunch by the lake was so great... I felt like a kid again. Now that school has started, I feel like the biggest slacker. Senioritis has hit me harder than ever! I just feel no motivation to study, but I decided to turn a new leaf. My last two quarters I'll just take a deep breath and get it over with.
Now that I am back in LA for good ol' Martin Luther King's bday, I really miss it here. It's pretty warm, the suns always out, and its so nice out. I also just got F4's Zai Zai's new album "Make a wish" (Thanks Calvin!) It's not as good as I had hoped. F4's "Meteor Rain" was so much better. Each song on Meteor rain was so good I never skipped any songs. Oh well, its okay. Zai Zai's hot. hehehe Hopefully I will start updated this site more and actually finish the links. Till Next time!